Total Lunar Eclipse 2022: Everything you need to know about this year’s last ‘Blood Moon’

New Delhi [India], Nov 4 (ANI): Get ready to witness the last total lunar eclipse of this year. North American skygazers can see the moon turning red on November 8.

About a year after the last total lunar eclipse, the Moon is seen sliding into Earth’s shadow and graces the sky.

Viewers in North America, Central America, most of South America, the Pacific Ocean, Australia, New Zealand and Asia will see the Moon dark and red in the early hours of November 8.

“Make sure you don’t miss the November 8 event, as this is the last total lunar eclipse visible anywhere until mid-March 2025,” says Diana Hanniken (pronounced HUHN-ih-KY-nen) observer editor at Sky & Telescope. ) he said.

When and How to See a Blood Moon

The Moon crosses the northern half of Earth’s shadow, which is predicted to last 86 minutes in totality. The mid-eclipse occurs on November 8 at 10:59 Universal Time (UT), approximately six days before the apogee, when the Moon is farthest from Earth in its orbit. As a result, during the eclipse, the Moon will appear 7 percent smaller than at perigee (closest to Earth), but the difference is imperceptible. Tuesday’s eclipse will be slightly brighter than May’s — especially in the Moon’s northern side — because the Moon is no closer to the dark center of Earth’s shadow.

There are many delightful additional spectators can see while watching the eclipse. Throughout its entirety, Earth’s shadow dims the Moon enough that the stars are visible to its edge. Furthermore, Uranus reaches opposition just one day after the eclipse, when it is directly opposite Earth from the Sun and at its closest and brightest. And on the night of the eclipse the distant planet will be to the top left of the red moon—the planet’s yellow disk will be detected by binoculars. The farther west you are, the smaller the difference between the planet and the moon. In addition, the northern and southern Taurid meteor showers peak around this time, so eclipse-watchers may be seen with few meteors in the night sky.

All phases of an eclipse occur simultaneously for everyone, but not everyone will see a total eclipse. Weather permitting, observers in western North America will see the full event on the morning of November 8, with the partial eclipse phase beginning an hour after midnight. In Hawaii, the fully eclipsed Moon will be directly overhead. Viewers in the central parts of the continent will see the entirety and most of the final partial phases, while those on the east coast can watch the sun rise as totality ends.

South America will watch the initial phases of the eclipse until totality, while Central America may enjoy the show a bit more and see it throughout. The eclipse is an early evening event in Central and East Asia, Australia and New Zealand, and the Moon rises either during the earlier partial phases or during totality.

The actual clock time of the eclipse depends on your time zone.

mechanics of lunar eclipse

“A lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and the full Moon form a near-perfect line in space, known as a sizzling,” says Hnikenen. The Moon slips into Earth’s shadow, gradually darkening, until the entire lunar disk turns from a silvery gray to a terrifyingly dim orange or red. The events then occur in reverse order, until the Moon returns to full brightness. The entire process of the November 8 eclipse will take about six hours. You only need your eyes to see the drama, but binoculars or a backyard telescope will give a much better view.

The events that occur during a total lunar eclipse are more complex and interesting than many people realize.

The Moon’s leading edge enters the lighter outer fringe of Earth’s shadow: the penumbra. You probably won’t notice anything until the Moon is about halfway across the oblique.

1. Look for a slight darkening to the left of the Moon as seen from North America. As the Moon goes deeper, the penumbral shadowing becomes stronger.

2. The penumbra is the region where an astronaut standing on the Moon would see the Earth covering only a portion of the Sun’s face.

3. The leading edge of the Moon enters the cone of Earth’s shadow, in which the Sun is completely hidden. You should see a dramatic darkening at the leading edge of the lunar disk. With a telescope, you can see that the sides of the umbra gradually encircle one lunar feature after another, as the entire sky begins to darken.

4. The back edge of the Moon slips into the umbra for the beginning of a total eclipse. But the moon won’t be completely black: some shade of intense orange or red is sure to shine.

5. Why is it so? Earth’s atmosphere scatters and bends (refractions) the sunlight that intersects its edges, bringing some of it to the eclipsed Moon. If you were on the Moon during a lunar eclipse, you would see that the Sun is hidden by a dark Earth, surrounded by the red light of all the world’s sunrises and sunsets at that time.

6. The brightness of the red color can vary greatly from one eclipse to another. Two main factors affect its brightness and color. The first is how deep the Moon goes into the umbra as it passes; The center of the womb is darker than its edges. The second factor is the state of the Earth’s atmosphere. If a large volcanic eruption has recently polluted the stratosphere with a thin global haze, a lunar eclipse can be deep red, ash brown, or sometimes nearly black.

7. In addition, blue light is refracted through Earth’s clear, ozone-rich upper atmosphere over thick layers that produce the red sunrise-sunset hue. This ozone-blue light also colors the Moon, particularly near the edge of the umbra. You will need binoculars or binoculars to see this effect.

8. As the Moon moves in its orbit, the events re-run in the reverse order. The edge of the Moon re-emerges in the sunlight, ending totality and starting a partial eclipse again.

9. When the full Moon leaves the umbra, only the final, partial shadow remains. After some time, nothing unusual remains.

There are five stages of the event, each with different things to see. (ANI)

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