Traces of second wave linger

Senior officials of the health department have reiterated that they are fully prepared to deal with a possible third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic with an action plan and provision of medical resources.

However, one can hardly ignore the fact that similar statements were made when the second wave was just starting.

During the devastating second wave, which peaked between the third week of April and the first week of May, citizens faced many problems accessing emergency medical services.

under pressure

The unprecedented surge in cases exposed the flaws in the healthcare system, and hundreds of lives were lost. Moreover, the deadly wave caused massive financial and emotional devastation for the common people.

From lack of beds in the hospital to oxygen cylinders and medicines used in treatment, people had to face many problems. Even though an online dashboard showing the availability of beds in hospitals was made available by the state government, people in distress had to visit several hospitals with patients.

There were also other problems related to non-acceptance of insurance policies, overcharging by private hospitals, pressure on cremation grounds and graveyards.

Also, not being cremated after sunset was another hurdle.
