TradeIndia will recruit 400 vacancies in sales, technology, corporate departments

TradeIndia, an online portal for small businesses in India, will hire over 400 professionals across various domains including sales, technology and other corporate responsibilities. As part of its expansion plan and employee welfare plan, the organization seeks to launch a comprehensive talent acquisition drive at all levels from executive to C-suite leadership.

The company aims to hire more women leaders for key roles at pan India level to promote women empowerment and women representation across the organization, the official notice said. The company claims that in order to ensure the safety and well-being of all women employees, the company has also decided to give them one day of wellness leave every month, along with entitled leave to help them cope with the testing times. has given.

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To further enhance inclusivity and encourage talent from all walks of life in the country, it also plans to set up more sales offices in various Tier-II cities of India. For this, it will conduct several recruitment drives across the country including the recruitment of technical graduates from several university campuses.

The company will also provide an essential mediclaim along with a special COVID-19 cover to ensure the safety of all employees. The organization has also said that it will launch ‘Doctors on Call’ facility, which is an instant online assistance for the benefit of each employee and his/her family members. Apart from this, the company has also established a flexible working time policy for every employee including those who are currently working from home.

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TradeIndia CEO Sandeep Chhetri said, “The pandemic was indeed a grueling affair for many corporations as it brought the entire industry to a standstill. However, with our incredible focus on maximizing digitization and leveraging alternative channels to keep our customers active and engaged, we have managed to embark on an essential post-COVID survival journey in which we not only survive, but also thrived amid the unrest of the aftermath of the pandemic. ,

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