Traffic fines in Chennai – all you need to know

Do you want to know more about traffic fines in Chennai? Keep reading to know more.

Is Chennai following the new traffic penalty?

On an interesting note, Chennai Traffic Police started implementing the penal structure on 1st September 2019 though the state government is yet to decide on the matter. As a result, the government decided to implement these directives in a restricted manner along with revamping the prices.


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Although some increased fine amounts were agreed upon by the authorities in Tamil Nadu and later Chennai, there were no exact rates prescribed for each offence. Some rates have been levied, while others were recommended by the central government to reduce the rates offered. Chennai traffic fines have already remained unchanged for certain additional offenses and traffic violations.

Reviewed traffic penalties in Chennai

In Chennai, there are many misconceptions about adequate information about traffic penalties. Below is a table that lists the fines that have been changed. Keep in mind that depending on the seriousness of the offense, some offenses can even result in prison. In addition, more fines are imposed on repeat violators. Here are the traffic violations related to the amended fines and old traffic fines of the MV Act:


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  • For drinking and riding-approximately 10,000 or 6 months in jail or 15,000 and 2 years in jail for repeated contravention
  • A fine of around ₹500 is imposed for violation of general traffic rules.
  • For violation of road rules and regulations- a fine of around ₹500
  • A fee of around ₹ 500 is charged for traveling without a ticket.
  • Around Rs 5000 is charged for driving a vehicle without a registration certificate.
  • About 2000 rupees are charged for disobeying the orders of the traffic police.
  • Around ₹ 5000 is charged for driving a large size vehicle.
  • You may be banned from riding, or you may be charged ₹1000 if you ride without a helmet.
  • If you drive without insurance, then around Rs 2000 is charged.
  • If you are into negligible driving then around ₹5000 is charged.
  • If you do over-boarding on two wheelers then around Rs 2000 is charged.
  • You will be charged ₹25,000 or sent to jail in case of violations by juveniles.
  • Driving without a seat belt means you could be fined ₹1,000 and community service.
  • Violating the license conditions attracts a fine ranging from 25K to 1 lakh.
  • If you drive without a valid permit, you will get ₹10,000. have to give

While traffic fines, as mentioned earlier, have been amended, several other rates are still being considered.

Traffic penalties in Chennai which are now unchanged

The following are the remaining unchanged traffic fines in Tamil Nadu and Chennai. You should look into them, but keep in mind that the rules and associated penalties are still being developed. As a result, some of them may change in the near future.


fine amount

for violating any of the rules of the learner’s license

Gets charged around ₹150

for more speed

Approx ₹300 is charged

for faster speed

₹350 is charged

If you are driving recklessly, it is not healthy for the public

₹ 500 from you. will be charged

When you are driving despite being declared mentally or physically unfit

₹ 150 from you. will be charged

When you use fuel illegally or that is harmful (like kerosene and cheaper ones)

₹ 200 from you. will be charged

If You’re Violating Voice Control Standards

₹ 100 from you. will be charged

If you are violating air pollution control norms

₹ 400 from you. will be charged

Just in case you’re driving without paying your road tax

You will be charged ₹300, although it can go up to ₹600 if someone repeats a similar offence.

If you are driving in a no-entry zone

₹ 2,000 or even ₹ 5,000 from you. will be charged

When you disobey the instructions of the authorities

₹ 300 to ₹ 600 from you. will be charged up to

when you drive in a pedestrian zone

₹ 300 to ₹ 600 from you. will be charged up to


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0 notes

Chennai traffic laws are constantly being revised and can be difficult to understand in times of crisis! On the other hand, this blog will help you understand the important parts of the road rules and the penalty costs applicable in a variety of scenarios.

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