travel abroad? Follow these tips to protect your passport

Undoubtedly, what the Passport lacks in size, it more than makes up for in stature. It not only takes you places but is also the key to prove your citizenship. And so nothing can be more dreadful than losing it, getting stolen or damaged to such an extent that it is no longer usable during travel. Also, imagine the above scenarios at a time when you are away from a consulate which can help you come back without any worry-inducing. So how can we keep our passports safe during our travels?

Since prevention is the key, and of course there is no way to prevent it from being stolen, but you can still prevent it from happening. And with that in mind, we’ve compiled some tips to make sure your passport stays safe:

make copies

Before you leave for your trip, you’ll need to make multiple copies of your passport and keep them all in separate bags, just in case. Keep it at the bottom of your bag to ensure Z-class protection. Also, make sure you leave a copy at home.

leave it at your hotel

Once you reach your destination, you will need to leave your passport at your hotel and carry a copy of it with you. Typically, hotels provide a locker with a security code. Use it to protect your passport.

passport cover

If you’re a wanderer, you should invest in a good waterproof passport cover, especially when you have a beach or wet destination on your wish list. Needless to say, water damage can make information-based pages unreadable, which could result in changing your passport.

know your Rights

Obviously, you’ll need your passport to be cleared by airport security. But you should be aware of the places where you will need to show your original passport and copy. If you have an international driver’s license, in most cases your license or a copy of your passport will suffice.

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