Traveling to Dehradun? In view of the fear of third wave, officials issued new SOP

More than 15,000 tourists will not be allowed to visit Mussoorie on weekends Dehradun District The news agency reported magistrate R Rajesh Kumar on Saturday. ANI.

DM said that those coming from outside the state will have to bring RT-PCR report of less than 72 hours.

According to officials, the move comes in the backdrop of reports that a third wave of Covid-19 may hit the country in October.

After receiving frequent complaints of violation of Kovid-19 guidelines, the officials of Dehradun district have also stepped up vigil and inspected the market including Mussoorie Mall Road.

Senior officials, who walked a distance of 3 km from Kitab Ghar to Picture Palace, issued a stern warning to those found flouting the mandatory face mask rule.

He also asked traders not to deliver goods to tourists who are not wearing masks.

Further, Kumar said that the administration is concerned about a possible third wave of coronavirus and found that some shops are serving goods to tourists who are not wearing masks.

He said that next time strict action will be taken against those who break the rules.

The district magistrate said that they have identified some shopkeepers who violated the COVID-19 protocol and decided to take legal action against them.

Speaking about the arrangement of medical equipment before the third wave, he said, “Supply of oxygen cylinders, concentrators, beds are regularly monitored.”

“The authorities have arranged for an additional 700 beds after the second wave of Covid. The district administration is fully prepared to face the third wave of Kovid.

SSP Janmejay Khanduri said that along with warning those who violate the Kovid protocol, challan is also being issued. The SSP has asked the station in-charge to take action against those violating the Kovid-19 guidelines on Mussoorie Mall Road.

With inputs from agencies.

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