Treatment of wrinkles: These 5 things of the house remove the stiffness, the face looks beautiful rather than the stereotypes of age.

Remedies for wrinkles: These remedies will remove the stiffness of the face.

special things

  • These tips are going to affect the bond.
  • Their effect is visible fast.
  • Fine lines are less.

Anti aging skin care: The first sign of aging is the appearance of tightness on the face. We are all aware that wrinkles (wrinkles) and fine lines also get delayed when the skin is properly cared for and glowed with the ingredients that are mixed and brightened. Although the tightness cannot be completely removed from the face with home remedies, but it can be tried to reduce wrinkles today. These remedies increase the production of production in the skin and give them anti aging (anti aging) properties which helps in increasing the firmness of the skin.

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home remedies for stiffness | home remedies for wrinkles



Curd face mask can be made to reduce wrinkles. Yogurt contains lactic acid which removes dead skin cells from the skin. Take two spoons of curd in a bowl and add one spoon of honey, one vitamin E tablet and few drops of lemon juice to it. The antioxidants present in lemon help in making the skin tight. Wash all the things together after 15 minutes of looking at the face.


Rich in anti aging properties Provides the skin with many anti oxidants which contain healing factors. Due to the presence of Vitamin C, it is helpful in blocking. To use it, take out its juice. Apply this path on the face and neck, do Maya for 5 minutes and then wash it.



You will see rice emollient or rice water being used in many Korean skin care products. Rice toner, scrub, face pack etc. are used anywhere. You can apply rice flour pack to reduce wrinkles. For this, add rose water and milk to make a paste in rice leaves. Wash this face pack on the face and wash after 20 minutes. This face pack can be applied once a week.

coconut oil

Coconut oil acts as a natural moisturiser. This oil can be applied on the face every night before sleeping. But, keep in mind that coconut oil should not be applied to your excessively oily skin as it can cause clogged pores. It can be used on dry or normal skin.



Apart from eating, banana can also be used to apply on the face. Bananas, which are rich in vitamins A, B6 and C, reduce wrinkles and protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Take a banana in a bowl and mash it. Focus on the face by taking it in a cigarette and wash the face for 15 to 20 minutes. Applying this face once a week gives good results.

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Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for appropriate medical opinion. Always consult your doctor or any specialist for more details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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