Trend Micro aims to expand cloud business in India with new Mumbai office

Bangalore Cyber ​​security company Trend Micro Inc. aims to expand its cloud business in India and enhance its incident response and local support team with the launch of a new office in Mumbai.

The company said it will continue its current focus on specific sectors of the government including banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI) verticals as well as defense and state data centres.

“The new Trend Micro Office has been designed to create a unique environment and ensure best-in-class services for its employees with major investments in infrastructure. Equipped with state-of-the-art and fully integrated technology, the facility is designed to accommodate the needs of the future, suitable for video conferencing for both collaborative and remote work, especially after the pandemic,” the company said. said in a statement.

“Our new Mumbai office supports our clients and, this reiterates our commitment to the Indian market and the cyber security industry. We see that many enterprises in India are at the forefront of technology advancements and stay ahead of the global market curve, including cloud adoption. This, in turn, provides us with more business opportunities to invest in this market,” said Nilesh Jain, Vice President, Southeast Asia and India, Trend Micro.

In addition to the existing Cloud One and XDR data centres, Trend Micro plans to set up a local support center in India to address cyber security concerns of its customers, said Vijendra Katiyar, Country Manager, India and SAARC, Trend Micro. said. “With the significant investment we have made in the cloud business, we will continue to accelerate recruitment and build teams. Since our customers are the backbone of our company, we are obliged to support and meet their needs. “

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