Tripura opposition parties pull up police for booking SC lawyers, others under UAPA

Following the action of the Tripura Police against 102 people, including Supreme Court lawyers and rights activists, on the basis of social media posts on alleged violence against minority places of worship in Tripura, human rights bodies along with the opposition Congress and CPI(M) criticized its criticized. State government. The opposition Congress on Sunday demanded the withdrawal of cases against those who have been booked for allegedly trying to “spread communal hatred”, including several Supreme Court lawyers.

Tripura Pradesh Congress chief Birjit Sinha told PTI, “The Panisagar mosque was attacked by VHP workers and the houses of minority communities were vandalized… They should be arrested first. I don’t think anyone visiting the state Lawyers came with some bad intention and did not spread any communal hatred. The government should immediately withdraw the charges against them.”

The Tripura Police on Saturday registered a case against the social media account holders under the stringent Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), criminal conspiracy and forgery charges. Inspector General of Police (IG), Law and Order, Arindam Nath, however, said, overall complaints were filed against 102 people and notices were served to four Supreme Court advocates and three others, that the police would like to clarify that the FIR should be registered. Means it doesn’t. “They are guilty.” “If those people have not told anything false or have any intention to spread communal hatred or hatch any conspiracy, then they should appear before the police and explain their position”, Nath told PTI.

Also he said that it had come to the notice of the police force that many netizens used fake identities and tried to spread communal hatred and the police took the right initiative to identify them and book them under the law. “We have given notices to Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to freeze their accounts and inform them about all the details of those people,” Nath said.

The notice was sent to Supreme Court lawyer Estesham Hashmi, advocate Amit Srivastava, Lawyers for Democracy’s codinator, NCHRO national secretary Ansar Indori and PUCL member Mukesh Kumar, who had visited Tripura as part of a fact-finding team. In a notice to the lawyers, the police had asked them to remove the social media post and appear before investigators by November 10.

A mosque was vandalized and two shops torched in Chamtila during a Vishwa Hindu Parishad rally on 26 October, which was called to protest the communal violence in neighboring Bangladesh. Police said three houses and some shops allegedly owned by Muslims were also vandalized in the nearby Rowa market.

Tripura’s Information and Culture Minister, Sushant Choudhary said on Saturday, “A group from outside with vested interests has tried to create unrest in Tripura and malign its image by uploading fake pictures of a burning mosque on social media. conspiracy was hatched against The incident of 26 October in Panisagar. Legal action should be initiated against them” BJP spokesperson, Nabendu Bhattacharya said, “After the attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh during Durga Puja, a vested interest group was active in creating communal unrest in Tripura and in such a situation the police cannot remain inactive. And so he started the investigation. I am sure that the right to freedom of speech and expression has not been violated in any way.”

The Tripura Human Rights Organization (THRO), however, criticized the state government for serving notices to the Supreme Court advocates, saying it was a move to suppress the voice of democratic rights. “The action of the state government is highly condemnable. The perpetrators of the violence are roaming freely, while lawyers, who are also members of rights bodies, who were trying to restore normalcy by bringing out facts, were booked under stringent acts. This is not acceptable”, said THRO.

After the attack on minorities in Bangladesh, a group of people tried to create communal tension in different parts of the state, the opposition CPI(M) said in a statement. “When some lawyers visited the state as fact finders, cases were registered against them, it is an act of intolerance. If they had committed any illegal activity then common law was sufficient to take action against them, but the imposition of such coercive acts (as UAPA) against them is an example of intolerance”, the statement said.

The notices posted on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube read, “… certain individuals/organizations are publishing/posting distorted and objectionable news/statements on Twitter in relation to the recent clashes and alleged attacks on mosques belonging to Muslim communities in the State. Huh.” … Post Tripura State has the potential to incite communal tension between people belonging to different religious communities, which may result in communal riots.

West under sections 153A (promoting feelings of dissatisfaction or enmity), 153B (allegations, claims prejudicial to national unity), 469 (forgery), 471 (cheating or dishonestly) of IPC against social media account holders Cases were registered at Agartala police station. Using as genuine forged document), 503 (threatening), 504 (intentional insult) and use of section 120B (criminal conspiracy) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and section 13 of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) Doing. A case was registered against four lawyers of the SC at West Agartala police station on November 3 under various sections of the IPC including 153 (A) relating to promoting feelings of enmity, enmity or hatred between different groups on grounds of religion. ) and (B) are included. Race etc., 469, 504, 120(b) (criminal conspiracy), other than section 13 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. Under the strict UAPA, the offender could face up to seven years in prison if found guilty.

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