Try Celebrity Chef Ranveer Brar’s Liquid Atta Paratha Recipe This Weekend

Everyone likes paratha. Be it stuffed or not, it is one of the best options for breakfast. A plate of nutritious parathas loaded with the goodness of butter and a portion of curd is all you need to start your weekend. Don’t you agree? And, in case you are running out of options then we have celebrity chef Ranveer Brar, who has come up with the mom-water recipe of Liquid Atta Paratha. To serve four people, Brar said the paratha can be ready in a total of 30 minutes.

(Also read: Paratha with pickle or pickle in paratha? Give Regular Parathas a Twist with This Delicious Recipe,

Let’s see how he did it.

First the material.

— whole wheat flour

— Tbsp Green Coriander, chopped

– tsp ginger-garlic paste

— salt to taste

— Water

– tsp turmeric powder

– tablespoon ghee

— Celery

– Degi red chili powder

Now, follow this procedure:

In a bowl take wheat flour, coriander leaves, ginger-garlic paste and salt. Then add some water and add turmeric powder and ghee. Beat well. Let the batter rest for a few minutes. Then pour the batter into a hot non-stick pan. Cook on low flame, then turn it over and cook from the other side as well.

For the paratha dough

Knead a soft soft dough by adding wheat flour, salt and water to a paratha.

Knead again after adding a little ghee, cover it with a cloth and keep it aside. Roll out the parantha in a round shape and sprinkle a little ajwain, ghee, chili powder in it. Fold it again and roll it into a square shape. Keep rotating the paratha by pressing it gently on the pan. Cook for a minute, sprinkle some ghee on top and flip.

Make sure to press the edges as it takes more time to cook that part. Flip and cook for a minute and keep turning and cook till you see golden brown spots all around. Remove it from the pan and serve hot.

You can pair this paratha with curd, raita or dip as per your choice.