Try these easy tips to get rid of dark circles under eyes

Dark circles under the eyes may not be a serious health problem, but they can make you tired, old or unwell. Pigmentation (darkening), wrinkling, physical changes or under-eye depressions together contribute to dark circles under the eyes. When blood vessels become fragile and break down, causing a discoloration of the top two layers of the skin, this leads to dark circles under the eyes. Poor circulation of oxygenated blood or irregular sleep cycles or stress can also be a reason for the dark, blue color under your eyes. While there is no immediate solution to this problem, it can be treated/reduced by techniques like skin tightening, eye peels, hyaluronic fillers to correct tear troughs and eye creams.

Here are some home remedies, skin care products and medical remedies to cure dark circles under eyes:

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is performed to remove excess skin, fat and muscle from the upper eyelids and reduce the baggyness from the lower eyelids. The surgery is also known as an eyelift.

get proper sleep

Take proper sleep to avoid puffy eyes. Also, take facials, skin-specific moisturizers and superfoods and water on time. Facials will help to get firmer and younger looking skin and will also smooth out lines and wrinkles thereby increasing the elasticity of the skin and reducing sagging.

try home remedies

Home remedies like applying cold tea bags on the eyes or applying cucumber juice and potato juice will help in rejuvenating the skin in a quick and easy way. Antioxidants like ascorbic acid, caffeic acid and silica present inside cucumber reduce darkness.

Use a concealer under your eyes for quick coverage

If you are going to a party and your time is running out, then you can hide your dark circles and puffy eyes with makeup. Applying under-eye concealer will make it less noticeable. Don’t forget to moisturize your skin before applying concealer.

Use Almond Oil and Vitamin E

Almond oil along with Vitamin E can reduce dark circles if used on time. You can massage this mixture under your eyes before sleeping.

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