Try These Hacks to Peel Garlic Easier

The kitchen is not the easiest place. Whether it’s chopping, peeling, cleaning dishes, or cooking on time, everything in the kitchen can be daunting. However, better planning and a few simple tricks can make your life in the kitchen easier.

When it comes to peeling garlic, it seems like a very tough job. Here are some simple tips for peeling garlic cloves that you should know about. Not only will this make your cooking tasks easier, but it will also save you a lot of time.

The most common way to peel a garlic is to shake it vigorously so that the peel naturally falls off. This can be done with a box. Put the garlic in the jar, close tightly and mix well. This will separate and peel the garlic buds.

You can also use the microwave to peel garlic. First, microwave the garlic cloves for 20-30 seconds. take them out. After that, the peels will peel off easily.

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It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a microwave. Fry the garlic for a few minutes. Remember that garlic does not need to be cooked much. After this, if you take off the peel of the garlic, then it comes off very easily.

You can also peel the garlic off with a knife. Place the garlic clove under the knife and press down with your palms to emphasize the garlic. After that, the garlic rind will simply come off.

Soak the garlic cloves in water for an hour to remove them easily. Take them out one by one and put them on the ground, then press. After that, the peel should come off easily.

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