Try this Masala Tomato Upma for a quick and easy breakfast – Recipe Inside

When we think of easy yet delicious breakfast recipes, South Indian food always comes to our mind. South Indian cuisine has many dishes that we love to eat. From idli sambar to uttapam, we’ve got traditional dishes that never fail to impress us. And Upma is one of them. Upma is a delicious recipe that we all love to have for breakfast. Upma is a healthy recipe and filling too. Also, it is very light and easy to digest. Although upma is usually made by mixing semolina with chopped vegetables, but due to its popularity, there are many other versions, including recipes like curd upma and bread upma. Here we have another interesting variant called Masala Tomato Upma. This delicious dish may just be your next favorite breakfast dish.

Read also: Upma For Weight Loss: This Nachni Upma Recipe Is Perfect For A Quick Meal

Masala Tomato Upma is an easy recipe; It is a mixture of semolina and tomatoes, made with some mild spices. Tomatoes give a nice tangy flavor to the upma. If you like vegetables, you can add vegetables of your choice. You can serve this dish with coconut chutney and sambar. The best part is that it can be prepared in 20 minutes. So without further delay let’s have a look at the recipe.

How to make Masala Tomato Upma. Masala Tomato Upma Recipe:

Then put 3 cups of water in it and let it boil. Add a teaspoon of ghee and let it cook with the lid closed. After a minute, open the lid and add the semolina in batches while stirring continuously. Mix it well so that no lumps remain. Add a few drops of lemon juice and serve garnished with finely chopped coriander. Your masala tomato upma is ready.

Do try this upma recipe and do let us know how you liked it.

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About PayalWith food in mind and Bollywood in heart, these two often find expression in Payal’s writing. Apart from Akshar, Payal loves to experiment with new and delicious recipes.