Turkey says US has failed to help Afghan refugees – Times of India

United Nations: After two decades in Afghanistan, the United States must do more to help the country’s refugees, says Turkey’s President Risp Tayip Erdogan said in remarks broadcast on Wednesday.
Turkey hosts the world’s largest refugee population – about 4 million, mostly Syrian – and has warned that it cannot accept further arrivals from Afghanistan.
“Right now, America is failing to meet its obligations. We have over 300,000 afghan refugee And we won’t be able to welcome anymore Afghan refugees in TurkeyErdogan said in a preview of a CBS interview that aired on Sunday.
“Of course, America should do as much and invest as much as America has for the last 20 years. But why, why? First, America should answer these questions.”
Afghan refugees have been fleeing their country since last month, as US forces prepared to withdraw from the country in late August, when the Taliban returned to power.
The day before, Erdogan had used his speech United Nations General Assembly To warn of a possible wave of refugees in New York triggered by climate change. Turkey has been experiencing growing discontent over the level of migration since the start of the Syrian conflict a decade ago.
The government is in the process of bolstering security, including a wall on its eastern border with Iran, amid fears that the Taliban regime could drive refugees, many trying to reach Europe, to the Turkish border.


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