Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan tests positive for Covid-19 – Times of India

Ankara: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that he has tested positive for Covid-19.
Erdogan tweeted on Saturday that he was infected with omicron version Why virus?
The president said he and his wife had mild symptoms of Covid-19, adding that he would continue his work at home.
The number of daily COVID-19 cases in Turkey has almost doubled since the beginning of January, as omicron According to the report of the news agency Xinhua, various types of cases have increased rapidly across the country.
Turkey’s COVID-19 cases have been hovering around the 100,000 mark for the past four days, according to the Turkish Ministry of Health.
Gene-sequence sampling finds that almost all of Turkey’s recent COVID-19 cases were caused by Omicron variant, Turkey’s health minister fahrettin cocas said on Wednesday.
Turkey reported 111,157 new Covid-19 cases on Friday, the highest daily figure for the pandemic, bringing the number of infections to 12,051,852.
The death toll from the virus in Turkey rose by 156 to 83,231, while 25,502 more people recovered in the past 24 hours.
