Twitter deleted post of BBC documentary critical of PM Modi: Derek O’Brien

Derek O’Brien alleged that Twitter has deleted a tweet he made on BBC’s documentary on PM Modi. file | Photo Credit: Manvendra Vashisht

TMC MP Derek O’Brien has alleged that a tweet by him on a BBC documentary, which he claimed “exposed” Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s stand on minorities, has been deleted by Twitter.

Posting a mail from the microblogging site that said his tweet had been removed at the request of the Indian government, which claimed it violated laws in India, Mr O’Brien dubbed it “censorship”. .

Read this also | India says BBC documentary on PM Modi is ‘propaganda’ and reflects ‘colonial mindset’

The TMC leader alleged, “Censorship. Twitter India has removed my tweet #BBCDocumentary, it got millions of views. 1 hour BBC documentary shows how PM Narendra Modi hates minorities.”

He also posted the mail he received from Twitter.

“See also what has been delivered. The opposition will keep fighting the good fight,” the Rajya Sabha MP said in a tweet.