U.P. To protect, to ensure the safety of…

The woman wept, the child was strange.

Bijnor :

A woman from UP’s Bijnor has committed suicide by herself. In the case of Media Waits, the murder of the woman is being murdered. Social media This issue is disabled on social media. After this #justice for mandeep is trending on social media. Deciding the name of this woman. The life of the family living in the position of the husband for the wife will end the life of the person living in the position of the husband. Mandeep lives with her husband. Selects and selects the access age.

this also further

A video broadcast is going on in this whole matter. Going to Dundi. In the video, he will attack himself and his in-laws.

In this situation, the Najibabad police station recorded the size of the solar system of Bijnor, the opposite direction of Rajjodh’s parents and the automatic position. That too the way Mandeep’s parents said it is.

Get rid of the bed to get rid of the bed in the badiya town of Badjouri to make Mandeep sleep. According to the sons of the woman, Ranjodha is an airman in puberty.

, Meanwhile, a daughter was born. Later after the daughter got harassed. Nevertheless, the child’s prognosis will improve. Yet the process has improved and the process is completely ready. Meanwhile, dimingup has su corrected.

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(For doing such work Mr.

Also further-