UAE claims to overcome Kovid crisis

The United Arab Emirates announced on Wednesday that it has overcome the COVID crisis, registering the lowest number of infections this month since the summer of last year.

“I want to assure all of you that our lives should be back to normal,” Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince Mohamed bin Zayed said in footage published by the official WAM new agency.

The de facto ruler of the UAE said, “There are some changes in the way we work, in our family’s studies or in our personal lives… but we thank God for everything.”

“We also thank God that we got through this crisis… safely, in good health and with an experience we paid a price for, but we learned a lot.”

The United Arab Emirates’ seven emirates reported fewer than 200 new cases of COVID-19 this month – the lowest figure since August last year.

While life has largely returned to normal in the UAE, it maintains strict rules on wearing masks and social distancing. Dubai is counting on the six-month Expo 2020 Dubai – which opened on October 1 after a year’s delay – to attract millions of visitors and boost its pandemic-hit economy.


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