UGC chairperson holds meeting with vice-chancellors of all central universities, discusses issues related to higher education – Times of India

UGC President Mamidala Jagdish Kumar.

New Delhi: UGC President Mamidala Jagdish Kumar He also held a meeting with Vice Chancellors of all Central Universities to discuss various issues related to higher education.
everyone in the meeting UGC The bureau chiefs were present to answer the questions of the Vice Chancellors.
“Today, a meeting was held with the Vice Chancellors of all the Central Universities. Glad to have spoken to them and received their suggestions. All the UGC Bureau Chiefs were present to answer the queries of the Vice Chancellors. We discussed various issues related to higher education. Spent about two hours doing it,” the UGC chairman tweeted.
Earlier on Tuesday, the UGC had approved the draft guidelines for the appointment of ‘Professor of Practice’ in universities and colleges.
The decision comes after the 560th meeting of the UGC and will soon be made public for stakeholders’ feedback.
The decision was taken as a measure to promote national education policy 2020, which seeks to transform higher education by focusing on skill-based education to meet the needs of industry and economy.
“To impart skills to the youth at optimum level, learners need to think like employers and employers have to think like learners. For this, the UGC has brought industry and other professional expertise into educational institutions through a new A new initiative has been taken for the category of posts called ‘Professor of Practice’, UGC Chairman M. Jagdish Kumar told ANI.
He said that the move would increase the faculty resources in the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).
“This will help in taking real-world practices and experiences into classrooms. In turn, the industry and society will benefit from trained graduates equipped with relevant skills,” said the UGC chairman.
The objectives of the draft guidelines include developing curricula and curricula to meet industry and societal needs and enable HEI to work with industry experts on joint research projects and consultancy services that will be mutually beneficial.
Another important objective is to bring specialized experts from various fields like engineering, science, technology, entrepreneurship, commerce, social science, media, literature, fine arts, civil services, armed forces, legal profession and public administration to educational institutions. ,

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