UK company helps employees with unique bonus to pay rising electricity bills

A sympathetic boss is one of the main reasons why an employee gets stuck by an organization for years. A good boss motivates his employees and helps them achieve goals that they feel are impossible to achieve. In other words, life becomes easier when a mentor takes some interest in the problems of his employees and makes active efforts to solve them. In contemporary times, most of the companies across the world offer medical benefits and travel reimbursement facilities to their employees.

However, a UK company and its managing director have recently come up with a unique benefit to provide their employees. Which gave him a reason to smile. Now, his kind gesture has won millions of hearts across the world.

Daron Hutt, managing director of United Kingdom-based company 4Com, has decided to offer his employees a monthly bonus of US$236, or $18,500, to help them pay their rising electricity bills.

According to a report in Mail Online, the company has decided to continue this bonus program till further notice. The managing director said that he had informed his employees a few months back that he would help them with their electricity bills when they increase. When electricity bills went up in the UK, Daren added a special bonus to his employees’ payslips – the Energy Support Bonus.

Electricity bills in the United Kingdom have reached ₹3 lakh during winters. Because of that, the company’s CEO, Gary Schutt, came up with the idea of ​​bonuses to help his employees. He said that since 1999, he has been working on the ideology that employees are the property of the company.

Similar cases have happened before for unknown people. Not long ago, a boss helped his employees by providing them ₹63 lakhs, while another praised a female boss by giving them ₹8 lakhs to take care of their employees, as well as two first-class plane tickets. done.

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