UK driver caught speeding to see girlfriend told police love made him do this

The motorist was clocked in at a speed of 102mph. (representative photo)

Police in the United Kingdom found an incredibly romantic excuse from a man they had stopped for over-speeding. According to the Thames Valley Police Facebook page, the man said “love” inspired him to do so. The motorist was seen speeding 102mph and after being stopped by police

Police said in their Facebook post that on Easter Sunday, April 17, most of the drivers were “egg-celet”, and that one driver was caught running with the M40 to “see his girlfriend”.

The police department wrote in the caption, “Unmarked enforcement on #M40 this morning. Most egg-cellent motorists were driving safely, thank you. Referring to the in-love motorist, Thames Valley Police continued,” Rock Legend Meatloaf: ‘I Would Do Anything For Love, But I Won’t Do It!’ (Speeding?) Reported directly to the court.”

Remember to #ArriveAlive and follow the limits. #ItsNotWorthTheRisk,” said the police department.

Since being shared, the social media post has taken the internet by storm. Commenting on the incident, one user joked, “Can’t love you by Phil Collins, obviously not going anywhere fast….” “He wouldn’t do that in a hurry… Love love is not easy,” added another.

Meanwhile, officials said other drivers were stopped for speeds of 91mph, 90mph and 89mph. Two more drivers were also stopped for reckless driving, as one motorist was found to be “not in proper control of his vehicle”.

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