UK firm develops video game console for dogs to help identify dementia risk

The whac-a-mol-style video game can inform the owner about a dog’s state of mind.

It’s hard to imagine dogs playing video games, but it’s closer to reality thanks to a UK-based start-up that seeks to research dementia among human’s best friend. A company called JoiPaw is producing a series of video games for dogs that it says will go beyond entertainment. The company’s website said it offers a holistic approach to keeping pet dogs healthy by combining cognitive and physical stimulation in the form of a dog-tailored console. The console allows owners to track the health indicators of their dogs.

JoiPaw has developed a Whac-a-mol-style game that will also inform the owner about the dog’s state of mind, according to a report Metro, It is also developing other video games to help with research into dementia in dogs.

In addition to sports, JoiPaw has also created a health tracker that can measure the number of steps taken by a dog and the time it takes to rest, play and walk.

The tracker, which can be clipped onto a dog’s collar, will be helpful for owners who have to leave their dogs alone at home. It will keep updating about the state of mind of the pet.

“We want to help dogs lead healthier lives through enrichment and also show the world just how intelligent dogs are,” said Joypaw founder Dursim Avdar techcrunch in an email. “We humans are empathetic and take better care of others when we realize they are closer to us than we think.”

Research has shown that video games can produce healthy brain stimulation and relieve stress in humans. But little has been studied in this regard in the case of animals, especially dogs.

JoiPaw has taken initial steps to get a better understanding of dogs’ health and to alert owners to any early signs of problems in cognitive health.

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