UK Gas Crisis Explained – World Latest News Headlines

In an effort to attract drivers, the government has increased the number of working hours per day and accelerated the licensing process. It is also offered 5,000 three-month work visa to foreign truck drivers And to suspend rules that prevent oil companies from coordinating deliveries.

But some government critics say that may not be enough to address a long-running shortage of drivers. Around 200,000 EU citizens left the UK during the pandemic, on top of the thousands remaining since 2016, when Britain voted in a referendum to leave the EU, indicating it would stop immigration. This has made it difficult for companies – including those in the transportation, hospitality and food supply sectors – to fill vacancies with foreign workers.

The government’s reserve tanker fleet will deliver fuel to ease shortages in the coming days, Britain’s trade secretary Quasi Quarteng, tweeted on Wednesday.

He also said that there are signs that the situation has started to improve. According to the Petrol Retailers Association, more gas stations reported that they had fuel than in recent times. Officials are hoping the normal buying pattern will now resume as many Britons rush to fill their tanks, easing supply pressure over the past few days.

But if the fuel crisis worsens, the government has put 150 military tanker drivers on standby.

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