UK health service to test new ‘quick, simple’ blood test for early cancer detection

The Galerie™ test, pioneered by healthcare company GRAIL, looks for early signs of cancer in the blood. The NHS-Gallery trial, the first of its kind, aims to recruit 140,000 volunteers across eight regions of England to see how well the test works in the NHS.

“The gallery test can not only detect a wide range of cancer types, but can also predict where the cancer is in the body,” said Sir Harpal Kumar, Indian-origin President, GRAIL Europe. Leading UK cancer researcher.

“The test is particularly robust in detecting malignant cancers and has a very low rate of false positives. We are delighted to partner with the NHS to support the NHS Long Term Plan for earlier cancer diagnosis, and we are looking forward to our Looking forward to bringing the technology to the people in the UK as quickly as possible,” he said.

Blood samples from the first to participate will be taken at mobile testing clinics in retail parks and other convenient community locations.

“This quick and simple blood test could herald a revolution in cancer detection and treatment here and around the world,” said NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard.

“By detecting cancer even before signs and symptoms appear, we have the best chance of treating it and we can give people the best possible chance of survival. Galerie blood tests, if successful, are at an early stage.” Catching three quarters of cancers can play a major role in achieving our NHS long-term plan’s ambition, when they are easier to treat,” she said.

The NHS says the new test is a simple blood test that research has shown is particularly effective at finding cancers that are usually difficult to detect early – such as those of the head and neck, bowel, lung, pancreatic and throat. Cancer. It works by detecting chemical changes in fragments of the genetic code – cell-free DNA (cfDNA) – that leak from the tumor into the bloodstream.

Dame Kelly Palmer, the NHS’s national director for cancer, said: “Accelerating the early detection of cancer to improve survival is an absolute priority, and this trial has the potential to do so in many types of cancer.”

Preliminary results of the study are expected by 2023 and, if successful, the NHS in England plans to expand the rollout to one million people in 2024 and 2025. The NHS is already sending out invitation letters to thousands of people from various backgrounds. and ethnicities between the ages of 50 and 77 to participate.

Participants, who should not have been diagnosed with cancer in the previous three years, will be asked to give a blood sample to a locally located mobile clinic and will be asked to provide further information after 12 months and again after two years. will be invited back. samples. The trial is part of the NHS’s efforts to increase the proportion of cancers detected early by the end of the long-term plan.

UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid said: “Early diagnosis can save lives and this revolutionary new test can detect cancer before symptoms appear, giving people the best chance of beating the disease.” “

The NHS-Gallery trial is being run by Cancer Research UK and the King’s College London Cancer Prevention Trial Unit in partnership with the NHS and healthcare company GRAIL, which developed the Galerie trial.

It is working across England with the support of eight NHS Cancer Coalitions which are spread across Cheshire and Merseyside, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, North East, West Midlands, East Midlands, East of England, Kent and Medway and South East London.

“This test could be a game-changer for early cancer detection and we are excited to lead this important research. Cancer screening can detect cancers earlier, when they are more likely to be successfully treated. But not all types of screening work,” said Professor Peter Sciani, director of The Cancer Research UK and King’s College London Cancer Prevention Trial Unit and one of the leads of the trial. investigator.

Patients whose cancer is detected early — known as stage one or two — usually have a wider range of treatment options available to them, which can be curative and are often less invasive. A patient whose cancer is diagnosed at an early stage has between five and 10 times the chance of survival compared to “stage four.”

The NHS-GALLERY study is a randomized control trial (RCT) – meaning that half of the participants will have their blood sample tested immediately with the GALLERY test and the other half’s sample will be stored and tested in the future . This will allow scientists to compare the stage at which cancer is detected between the two groups.

This story has been published without modification in text from a wire agency feed.

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