UK in talks with Taliban to allow safe exit from Afghanistan – Times of India

in direct talks with the UK Taliban To find a safe way out of Afghanistan UK civilians and Afghans working for Britain, a government spokesman said late Tuesday.
Prime minister boris johnsonSpecial Representative for the Afghan Transition, Simon GusMILF traveled Dohahandjob QueueTo meet with Taliban representatives, the spokesman said in a statement.
“(Gas) is meeting with senior Taliban representatives to underscore the importance of a safe passage out of Afghanistan for British citizens and Afghans who have worked with us over the past twenty years,” the statement said. ”
NS United States of america On Monday it completed its troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, ending a 20-year war that culminated in the return of the militant Taliban to power.
Britain’s mission ended on Saturday when its last military flight took off Kabul After evacuating more than 15,000 people in the two weeks since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan.


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