UK job vacancies hit record high amid labor shortage – Times of India

LONDON: Job vacancies in Britain hit a record high of nearly 1.2 million, official figures showed on Tuesday, another sign that the British economy is facing labor shortages in an array of sectors as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and Britain’s departure. has been The European Union.
After weeks of long lines at gas stations as motorists struggle to fill their cars, amid a shortage of truckers to deliver fuel and empty shelves at supermarkets, national statistics office Pointed to a reduction in the entire economy, including hospitality and transportation.
In recent weeks it has become increasingly clear that the British economy is facing a labor shortage, not just of truck drivers. The reasons are wide-ranging but it is clear that the combination of Brexit and the pandemic has prompted many EU workers to leave the UK and go home.
NS Employment Studies Institute guess that UK The labor market is now short of 900,000 workers between the number of people and what can be expected based on pre-pandemic trends.
“This is driven by a continuing wide employment gap for people with disabilities and health conditions, as well as a large decline in the participation of older people and youth,” it said. IES director Tony Wilson.


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