UK leader’s candidate seeks to woo right wing ahead of vote – Times of India

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LONDON: Candidates to become the next British prime minister burned their right-wing credentials on Sunday as they looked to stay in the race to succeed Boris. johnson,
Many of the remaining five hopefuls have . highlighted the issues related to Brexit and immigration as he seeks to woo fellow Conservative lawmakers ahead of a third round of voting on Monday, when another contender will be out.
Even though the eventual winner would automatically become prime minister, contenders must appeal to a narrower constituency of party members, who tend to be more white, older, and more right-wing than the general public. The candidates face a series of votes from lawmakers this week, who will narrow the field to two before facing a runoff among the estimated 180,000 Conservative Party members.
Former Treasury chief Rishi writing in Britain’s Sunday Telegraph newspaper sunkiConservative MPs at the fore have pledged to break EU laws as Britain undermines its position outside the bloc.
Appealing for a pro-Brexit party vote, Sunak wrote that by the time of the next election, he “will have abolished or reformed all EU law, red tape and bureaucracy that is still in our statute book and economic development.” slowing down”. become the next prime minister.
During this, Business Minister Penny Mordant, who became a surprise frontrunner and speculator favorite last week, was forced to challenge allegations that she created a policy to eliminate the need for trans people to receive a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria. before he could legally change gender when he was equality minister in Theresa May’s government.
She told the BBC’s Sunday Morning program she had managed consultations with health care professionals, but that no policy had been developed while on the job.
Regardless of the demographics of the members, the race to succeed Johnson has been said to be one of the most diverse for a British prime minister. Sunak and Kemi Badenoch, a former equality minister, are both non-white, while three of the remaining five contenders are women.
Badenoch, whose parents are from Nigeria, is little known. But she has seen her star rise after being shown publicly in a televised debate on Friday, and on Sunday led by a poll of party members by the ConservativeHome website.
She will be the first black prime minister and, at the age of 42, the youngest in more than 250 years.
Regardless of his background, he has made immigration control a key pillar of his political pitch, pledging on Sunday to “do whatever it takes to tackle the small boat issue.” So far this year, more than 14,000 migrants have traveled 20 miles from France to Britain via the English Channel.
Liz Truss, foreign secretary, is tapping into her international experience as Britain’s top diplomat and a former trade secretary, and vows to take a tougher stance with the EU in post-Brexit trade disputes.
Final candidate Tom Tugendhat is trailing his allies after the second round of voting. But he is making the quality of never sitting in Boris Johnson’s government. He is calling for a “clean start” after months of scandals that eventually prompted Johnson to resign.

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