UK minister Suella Braverman blames Leicester riots on new migrants – Times of India

London: Britain’s Indian-origin Home Secretary Suella Braverman has blamed the recent ‘riots’. Leicester Following the India-Pakistan cricket match over uncontrolled migration to the UK and the failure of the newcomers to reunite.
In his first speech since being appointed home minister at the Conservative Party’s annual convention in Birmingham on Tuesday evening, Braverman referred to his visit to the east England town after clashes between several Hindu and Muslim groups last month.
The Indian High Commission in London also issued a statement at the time expressing concern for the safety of people of Indian origin in what the local police termed “serious disorder”.
“The unexpected drive toward multiculturalism combined with the corrosive aspects of identity politics has led us astray,” Braverman told an audience of Tory lawmakers and members.
“I saw this when I recently visited Leicester. A melting pot of cultures and a lighthouse of religious harmony. But even there, failures to integrate the large numbers of newcomers have resulted in riots and civil disorder. This kind of conflict has no place in Britain.”
The daughter of a Tamil mother and father of Goan descent, Braverman insisted that controlling Britain’s borders was not “racist” as she pledged to cut out “low-skilled foreign workers”. The pro-Brexit barrister and former attorney general in the UK cabinet used his family heritage as a reference point to support his plans to control migration into the country.
“It is not just about policy or economics for me. It is very personal. My parents immigrated here from Kenya and Mauritius in the 1960s. They loved Britain from afar as children of the Commonwealth. It was Britain that provided them with security and opportunities as young adults,” she said, amidst many pitfalls of applause.
“It is not racist for anyone, ethnic minority or otherwise, to want to control our borders. It is no big deal to say that we have a large number of asylum seekers who are abusing the system. Not xenophobic that mass and rapid migration puts pressure on housing, public services and community relations,” she said.
“My parents came here through a legal and controlled stay. He spoke the language, threw himself into the community, he embraced British values. When they arrived, they signed up to be part of our shared project because the United Kingdom meant something different. Integration was part of the spirit of revenge,” he added.
The minister reiterated that integration did not mean giving up on our Indian heritage but embracing the British identity.
“It is the best place on earth to come and live, but I fear we are losing the core values ​​and culture that created it,” she warned.
As part of his pledge on migration, the new Home Minister vowed to control small boats bringing illegal migrants across the English Channel, leaving a safe country like France and “abusing” the UK’s asylum system. Praising the efforts of his Indian-origin predecessor, Priti Patel, Braverman commits himself to a plan to deport illegal immigrants to Rwanda work, which was launched by Patel but not yet fully operational. Is.
Braverman’s pledge to cut crime with “more PCs, fewer PCs” in convention to increase the number of police constables (PCs) and reduce political correctness (PCs) in terms of preventing them from acting in certain cases He was widely praised.