UK PM to visit India next week, Ukraine and Russian oil on agenda – Times of India

London: Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris johnson Will visit Delhi next week where in a meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi he is expected to raise issues such as India’s buying of Russian oil, the war in Ukraine and India’s recent voting patterns at the UN, as well as progress on the UK-India FTA will discuss. ,
Britain likely to try to pressure India to soften its ties Russia But, as in America, it is unlikely to succeed. The main outcome of the visit will be FTA progress and a defense deal but it is the optics that matter more. Johnson will feel as if he is persuading India to switch sides and India will be able to make an appearance without sidelining Russia.
Johnson will be hoping for a concrete announcement to take away the heat from the “PartyGate” scandal – and it is expected to show just how far UK-India FTA talks have gone, as well as a take on a new UK-India There could also be a big announcement. Defense and Security Partnership.
The main day will be in Delhi on April 22 when Johnson and official events will be formally welcomed. There will also be a short visit to another state where Johnson will witness “a successful UK-India collaboration”. There are currently no plans for a business delegation to accompany Johnson.
Delhi is expected to clearly articulate its position on Russia, as India’s External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar did in Washington DC this week. In the end it is likely that both sides will respect the other’s position. Delhi is expected to raise the issue of Khalistani activism in the UK and the UK, which allows the Punjab referendum 2020 to take place on its soil, even though it has no legal status in India. Delhi will also express its dismay over outstanding extradition requests for high-profile fugitives like Nirav Modi and Vijay Mallya. Regional issues like Afghanistan will also be discussed.
It is expected that Modi and Johnson will have a good visit and there is a lot of enthusiasm for India in Johnson. It couldn’t have come at a better time for Johnson, who is hoping that success in the international arena will distract attention from his decline in popularity at home.
India is actively seeking new defense partnerships that include technology transfer and allowing India to manufacture defense equipment with any other country under its “Make in India” programme. Defense ties between the two countries have been growing ever since the UK announced its Indo-Pacific leaning in March 2021 and subsequently visited the UK Carrier Strike Group in the region, leading to joint engagements with the Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force. Practice took place. India will be able to increase its defense orders from Britain without turning its back on its old ally Russia.
The proposed UK-India FTA has 26 chapters, four of which have already been agreed upon, although this does not include the abolition of duties on imports of Scotch whisky, a demand that the British see as important. Significant progress has been made in the remaining 22 chapters and the FTA is likely to be finalized by the end of this year. India, for its part, wants to see easier visa access for its citizens. Britain wants to accelerate the return of illegal immigrants.
The 2030 Roadmap, a comprehensive document agreed between the two leaders in May 2021, will guide the talks. Delhi sees the UK as a natural partner in various sectors including health care, life sciences, technology, green development and sustainable financing, and finds the UK nimble and able to act rapidly since leaving the EU. The UK has been prioritizing and deepening engagement with India since Brexit. Modi and Johnson last met at COP 26, but it is the long-awaited PM-level visit from the UK that has been canceled twice, once in the UK due to Covid and again in India due to Covid.