UK police plan to use facial recognition on crowd during coronation faces criticism

The deployment of the technology has drawn criticism from human rights activists.

The historic coronation of Britain’s King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla will take place at Westminster Abbey on Saturday, May 6, 2023. Security is being constantly monitored for the important event. The procession and ceremony will be attended by heads of state and government officials, protected by thousands of police officers.

According to MetroIn addition to a number of other security measures, the Metropolitan Police is considering using facial recognition in the crowd during the coronation. Using watch lists of individuals whom the police consider to be a threat to public safety. The force said this could include wanted criminals or offenders under strict license conditions.

But human rights campaigners have attacked the use of the technology.

“Facial recognition is a sinister tool that violates our rights and threatens our liberties. We all have the right to go about our lives without surveillance and monitoring – but this weekend, King Anyone in the vicinity of the coronation is at risk of having their face scanned by this oppressive technology,” said Emmanuel Andrews, policy and campaigns manager at Liberty.

‘In 2020, we won a groundbreaking case against facial recognition – with a judge ruling that the tool violates our privacy rights, data protection laws and equality laws. This use of facial recognition will have a huge impact on all of our rights to protest.”

“We have already seen a huge crackdown on protests ahead of the coronation, with new measures brought in this week to further restrict the ways people can make their voices heard,” he continued.

Calling for a ban on this technology, the activist said, “It is now likely that facial recognition will be used to monitor anyone who chooses to exercise their right to protest – an extremely worrying development.” . Facial recognition is a threat to our liberties; it needs to be done.” Restricted.”