UK woman discovers bizarre way to stop flatmates stealing her food

Many internet users were surprised by his act.

If you’ve ever lived with roommates or flatmates, you may be concerned about your belongings being stolen or lost. The worst is when they take your food without your permission and don’t even refill it. This kind of behavior becomes quite annoying after a point of time.

One such woman, who recently experienced the same, revealed a hack to stop such stealing flatmates.

This UK woman has gone viral after she came up with a bizarre way to stop her flatmates from stealing her food. The user, who goes by the name of Sara, posted a video on TikTok saying she was forced to ‘poison’ her own food as her inconsiderate flatmate kept stealing it, new york post informed of.

Ok, it wasn’t really ‘poison’ that he added, but copious amounts of salt. However, the on-screen text confuses and annoys a lot of users.

“Throwback to 2 years ago when I had to poison my food because my flatmates kept stealing it,” read the on-screen text.

In the video, the university student can be seen adding salt to a carton of organic British skimmed milk. He then poured some more salt into the carton and shook it. She ended the video by announcing that she would now put the contaminated milk back in the fridge and “wait for someone to drink it.”

”So, people want to drink my milk and put it back in the fridge empty. So we’re about to see who’s what,'” Sarah explained.

He wrote in the caption, “And I do not regret at all and yes someone drank it.”

Many internet users were taken aback by his actions, while some joked that they initially thought the salt was rat poison. Others also supported him and said they agreed with his approach.

“I love it because when they go down, I go down,” commented one user.