Ukraine crisis: Around 16,000 Indians brought back by special flights so far

More than 15,900 Indians have been brought back to India from UkraineThe Civil Aviation Ministry said on Sunday that the neighboring countries are on special flights so far.

The Ministry of Aviation has said that around 2135 Indians have been brought back today by 11 special civilian flights from neighboring countries of Ukraine. It also said that eight flights will bring back over 1,500 Indians tomorrow.

As part of ‘Operation Ganga’ to rescue Indian nationals, 2,135 Indians have been brought back today by 11 special civilian flights from neighboring countries of Ukraine. With this, since the start of special flights on February 22, 2022, more than 15 thousand 9 hundred Indians have been brought back so far.

The number of Indians has gone up to 13,852 by 66 special civilian flights, the ministry said.

As part of Operation Ganga, carrying 26 tonnes of relief load to these countries, the Indian Air Force has so far carried out 10 flights to bring back 2,056 passengers.

Nine of the special civilian flights landed in New Delhi today while two reached Mumbai. There were six flights from Budapest, two from Bucharest, two from Rizzo and one from Kosice.

Eight special flights are expected to operate from Budapest (5), Suceva (2) and Bucharest (1) on Monday, bringing back over 1500 Indians.

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