Ukraine, Russia-backed rebels allege shelling across the front – Henry Club

LONDON: A UK-based initiative to shed light on the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem has gone global for the second year in a row, with more than 50 countries scheduled to participate, according to organisers.

Aksa Week 2022, which will run from 24 February to 2 March, is being done Organized by the British-based Friends of Al-Aqsa (FOA) – An NGO concerned with protecting the human rights of Palestinians and protecting the Al-Aqsa Sanctuary.

The FOA said that during the week, which they anticipate to be the largest yet, talks, workshops and other activities and educational events will be held at mosques, universities, local councils and parliaments to highlight the mosque’s heritage, And its issues will have a global focus. Palestinian flight.

“This is an incredible week for people around the world to communicate and raise awareness about the centrality of Masjid al-Aqsa as well as the plight of the Palestinian people,” the FOA said.

Aqsa Week, which was launched by the FOA in 2017, aims to inform people about al-Aqsa and its history and importance, as well as the threats facing al-Aqsa and the Palestinian people.

Al-Aqsa is Islam’s third holiest site and is close to important religious sites for Jews and Christians, making the region a flashpoint in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The Israeli government has on several occasions barred Muslim worshipers from entering the mosque.

Friends of Al-Aqsa for illustration. (Twitter)

Many of the FAO events will be streamed live on their social media accounts as well as on TV and radio, and they have chosen #LoveAqsa as this year’s hashtag.

“Aqsa Week 2021 was an unprecedented global success, receiving incredible support from government departments and key institutions, including the Department of Religious Affairs in Turkey and Malaysia, the Iraqi Government and the Palestinian Aqaf,” the FOA said.

Meanwhile, the FOA organized a demonstration on Saturday to call on Londoners to boycott Israeli apartheid, stopping at locations including Puma and British electronic retailer Curry to raise awareness of boycott, disinvestment, sanctions (BDS) campaigns. Organized.

“FOA calls on individuals and businesses to stop buying Coca-Cola until the company ends its complicity in the human rights abuses of Palestinians,” it said as part of its #NotInMyFridge campaign, Joe says that the company operates in an illegal Israeli settlement. Including it in apartheid.

The FOA organized a march on Saturday calling on Londoners to boycott Israeli apartheid and raise awareness of BDS campaigns. (Supply/FOA)

Other campaigns he highlighted on the streets include #PowerOffHP because “HP provides technology for control systems used at Israel’s checkpoints, a key aspect of illegal occupation,” and #BoycottPUMA “until that it does not stop sponsoring the Israeli Football Association,” which has “football clubs in illegal Israeli settlements.”

came on the heels of march Human rights organization Amnesty International reportswhich called on Israeli officials to be “held accountable for apartheid crimes against Palestinians”.

Amnesty said the report, titled “Israel’s Apartheid Against the Palestinians: A Brutal System of Supremacy and Crimes Against Humanity,” describes how Israel enforces a system of oppression and domination against the Palestinian people, wherever it is. control over their rights.

The FOA stopped at a few locations around London, including PUMA and British electronic retailer Currys, to raise awareness of BDS campaigns. (Supply/FOA)

Shamiul Zorder, Head of Public Affairs at the FOA, said: “In 2022 and beyond, the FOA will continue to oppose any attempt by the British government to shut down BDS operations, which pressure Israel to comply with international law. “

“Amnesty’s recent report on Israel as an apartheid state reminds us of South Africa and that boycotts, disinvestment and sanctions are a powerful way to stand up for basic human rights,” he said.

The FOA calls on Londoners to boycott HP, Puma and Coca-Cola because they say they support Israeli apartheid. (Supply/FOA)