Ukraine: Ukrainian government calls for calm amid fears of war – Times of India

Kiev: Ukraine’s government on Saturday urged citizens to remain calm and united, saying the armed forces were ready to deter any attack on the country amid fears of a Russian attack.
“It is now important to remain calm and united within the country and to avoid actions that undermine stability and create panic,” the foreign ministry said in a statement.
“The Armed Forces of Ukraine are constantly monitoring the development and are ready to prevent any encroachment on the territorial integrity and sovereignty. Ukraine“Added it.
Russia has massed more than 100,000 soldiers near its border with Ukraine and the United States said on Friday that an invasion could happen at any time. Washington’s urging of its citizens in Ukraine to leave as soon as possible was echoed by countries including Britain, Japan and Australia.
Moscow denied plans to attack, saying it was protecting its own security interests against aggression by NATO allies.
us President Joe Biden and their Russian counterparts Vladimir Putin Was supposed to speak on Saturday. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also said that he would speak to the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov,
