UN, US officials urge action to avert climate disaster – Times of India

Berlin: Top UN human rights official and US President Joe BidenThe U.S. climate envoy on Thursday called on countries to intensify the fight against global warming, calling it an existential issue for mankind.
In a statement ahead of the UN climate summit in Glasgow, the global body’s High Commissioner for Human Rights said, “Only immediate, priority action can reduce or avert the disasters that are overwhelming – and in some cases fatal – to all of us.” especially our children and grandchildren.”
Michelle Bachelet October 31-November urged the participating governments. 13th climate meeting to deliver on promises of financial aid to help poor countries that are most at risk to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and tackle the effects of global warming.
“It’s a human rights obligation and a matter of survival,” she said. “Without living on a healthy planet, there would be no human rights – and if we followed our current path – there could be no human beings.”
His words were echoed by US climate envoy John Kerry, who warned of the dramatic impacts that the 2015 Paris Agreement on global warming would have on nature and people.
“If we exceed 1.5 degrees (Celsius, 2.7 Fahrenheit) there are disastrous consequences,” he said in a speech Thursday at the London School of Economics. “And now we’re already at about 1.2C.”
“No one is exaggerating when they call it an existential threat. Just ask people from the Marshall Islands, Fiji or the vulnerable countries of the world,” Kerry said.
Still, the diplomat tried to strike an upbeat note ahead of the summit, which brings together thousands of officials, scientists and climate activists.
“I go to Glasgow as an optimist,” he said, noting that governments have put forward more ambitious climate plans than ever before.
Kerry cited recent commitments by the Biden administration to the United States to have “net zero” greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century, similar moves by other countries and trade, and the urgency of tackling climate change. heightened awareness.
Kerry cited a recent United Nations report that highlighted the gap between countries’ pledges and what scientists say is needed to warm to 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the century, with Kerry saying special responsibility to the world. of the top 20 economies. Many of those countries will gather for the G-20 meeting in Rome later this week, where climate is expected to be a major topic.
Kerry noted that China, the world’s top polluter, is alone emitting about 80% of the greenhouse gas it can pump into the atmosphere if the whole world wants to meet the Paris goal.
Beijing has said it plans to peak emissions before 2030 and hit net zero by 2060 – a decade later than the United States and the European Union, which have historically contributed to global warming. contributed the most.
Kerry said Glasgow is “not the end of the road” and countries should continue to raise their targets in the years to come.
A report released on Thursday by the climate think tank said changes in sectors ranging from electricity generation to industry and agriculture need to be accelerated.
It looked at 40 indicators and “the bad news right now is that none of them are on track,” said a co-author of the report. Kelly Levine, head of science, data and systems change at the Bezos Earth Fund.
“Bright spots are few and far between, to be honest,” Levine said. “And for most indicators, even when we are seeing change in the right direction, the pace of change will need to accelerate, and by a factor, often at times, more than double.”
Separately, the Red Cross federation said climate and meteorological disasters have caused more than 30 million people to flee their homes in 2020 – more than three times the number of people displaced by war.
These included countries such as Iraq, Yemen and Mozambique, but also prosperous countries such as Germany, which saw devastating floods in the West this year.
“While climate change affects everyone, it has a disproportionate impact on the world’s poorest people, who are contributing least to climate change,” said Red Cross Secretary General Jagan Chapagain said in the report.


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