‘Uncertain’ lapses in security for Abe: Police – Times of India

Tokyo: Former prime minister’s security had ‘unbelievable’ flaws Shinzo AbeThe police chief of the area where the leader was killed admitted on Saturday promising a probe.
The most famous politician of Japan. were on the campaign trail in the western sector of Slogan When a gunman opened fire from close range.
Security in local campaign programs Japan A country with less violent crime and stricter gun laws can be relatively relaxed.
But looking at Abe’s profile, questions have been raised about whether his security measures were too lax.
“I believe it is undeniable that there were problems with security and safeguards for the former prime minister. abeNara Prefectural Police chief Tomoyaki Onizuka told reporters on Saturday evening.
“It is an urgent matter for us to conduct a thorough investigation to clarify what happened,” he said.
He did not immediately provide details about specific shortcomings in the protection plan, but said he had an overwhelming sense of responsibility.
“As the regional police chief responsible for the safety and security of the area, I have taken necessary steps and created structures for safety and security,” he said.
Of Abe’s death, he said, “In my career spanning more than 27 years, there is no greater regret than this, since becoming a police officer in 1995.”