University students rally in Kolkata against hijab ban in Karnataka

Around 500 students of Kolkata’s Alia University took out a rally in Park Circus area on Wednesday, in which several women were wearing hijabs, amid a controversy over headscarves in Karnataka. The participants traveled to Antley and Park Circus before returning to their premises carrying the national flag.

“As citizens of India, we have the right to decide what we wear and follow our religious practices, read placards in Bengali, English and Hindi, held by students who wear the hijab. Referring to controversial developments in the southern state. . . down with right-wing forces who want us to go back to the medieval era,” read the text on some of the other posters.

Read|Hijab Row: Purity and Modesty Are Not the Same

Incidents of stone-pelting and police use of force were reported in Karnataka on Tuesday, as the hijab ban controversy escalated and protests by students spread to more colleges, prompting the state government to declare a three-day holiday for all educational institutions. was done.

The hijab controversy first started in January at a government PU college in Udupi, where six students who attended classes wearing headscarves in violation of the prescribed dress code were asked to leave the campus. The controversy has spread to different parts of the state and Hindu students have reacted by wearing saffron shawls. It has also taken on a political colour, as the ruling BJP has come out strongly in support of the rules being enforced by educational institutions regarding uniforms, a religious symbol, while the opposition Congress has come out in support of Muslim girls. .

No untoward incident took place as the rally in Kolkata covered a distance of about two kilometres, a police official said. We have nothing to comment on the developments happening outside the campus.”

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