Unlike the West, India cannot separate Myanmar for geopolitical reasons. India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Indian access to Myanmar was overdue this week, striking a fine balance between engaging the immediate eastern neighbor while pushing it towards the restoration of democracy. While maintaining the “twin-track” approach now established, India’s approach is closest to that of Japan, but intrinsically different from China.
Foreign Secretary Harsh Shringla’s visit, as per his review of the government, examined four key areas of India’s engagement with Myanmar – security, humanitarian issues, politics/democracy and geopolitics. The idea here is that India does not have the luxury of isolating Myanmar like the western world, because its security and geopolitical interests are so important.
On the democracy front, India feels that it is the only power in the region that can push Myanmar towards a more federal structure based on its constitution. In their talks, the Indian side emphasized the importance of going back to the polls.
The military leadership informed Shringla that when they declared 2023 as the year for elections, they were considering introducing proportional representation with direct elections. India has resumed discussions on bringing back a more politically acceptable system in Myanmar, which was first introduced in 2011.
Sources said Shringla pushed for the release of political prisoners, but no one in New Delhi is holding their breath over it. Hence, Shringla’s meeting with the opposition NLD became significant, as it indicated that India considers the major opposition party an important stakeholder. He was not allowed to meet Aung Sano su ky, but it was no surprise. In recent weeks, the Myanmar government has refused to allow Chinese and Japanese special envoys as well as ASEAN and UNSG envoys.
However, engagement with the military leadership has begun across the board. Thailand has maintained stable but calm relations, especially in the current situation when the situation in Myanmar is driving refugees to Thailand like India. Former US Governor Bill Richardson also maintains links, although these bills are private initiatives.
The Special Envoy of China has made two long visits to Myanmar. China has resumed work at Kyawkhfu port in Rakhine, not talking about help with safety equipment. With the West isolating Myanmar, his foreign policy options are also restricted. Which is why India has kept in touch to keep some more options open. Now that Russia is also taking a keen interest in Myanmar, their options have increased somewhat.
India has had close contacts with myanmar army, until 1999. It is often forgotten that it was the military leadership in Myanmar that did away with the world, elections and a decade of democracy, as well as a decade ago to balance China.
New Delhi has long believed that Myanmar does not respond well to public condemnation or sanctions. India will be persuaded by quiet talks. In 2020, Shringla and the army chief jointly traveled to Myanmar when they met Suu Kyi and Min Aung Huling together. India has started work on all development and aid projects decided at that time.
During Shringla’s visit, India announced that it would continue its development projects in Rakhine state, border areas of Chin, Sagaing and Naga self-administered regions where, sources said, India has already completed over 100 projects. Already happened.
Security issues were a big part of the talks, including the influx of Bangladeshis into Mizoram and Manipur.
Sources said that this was one of the reasons for frequent Covid infections in Mizoram. Shringla donated one million vaccines to Myanmar and most of them will be used to vaccinate the border population. Security dialogue with the people of Myanmar is considered very important. A civil war-like situation inside Myanmar is a security nightmare for India as fighting is spreading across the borders. There are reports of illegal arms smuggling that opens the way for China and Pakistan to supply arms to India’s own rebel groups in that region.
