‘Unrelated hairs’ are actually a thing—scientists just discovered the reason behind them

IIt’s a hair condition that has puzzled parents for decades, now scientists believe they’ve found genes responsible For “Intolerable Child Syndrome”. Yes, that’s really the point.

Discomfort hair syndrome is much more than just hard hair. As its name suggests, it is the hair that sticks out at all angles, making it nearly impossible to comb alone. It usually begins in children between the ages of three months and 12 years and is characterized by straw blond or silver blond frizzy hair. It is usually wavy, dry and brittle and thanks to its appearance, it is sometimes called spun glass hair, Pili triangular et canaliculi either Cheveux incoiffables,

boris johnson either Albert Einstein Might be springing to mind, but while those high-profile men are famous for their unruly locks, with very few cases of disjointed hair syndrome in the world, it’s highly unlikely that they have the condition or not. In addition, the condition improves or disappears in adulthood.

There hasn’t been much research on this rare condition, which first appeared in published articles. in the 1970s, Since then, less than 70 publications have appeared, most of them case reports.

one of the more recent research 11 children with unrelated hair were included by geneticists at the University of Bonn, Germany. They found that the condition was explained by mutations in three genes that code for well-known proteins in hair follicles.

However, since that study was widely reported by the press, more families with children with the condition came forward and now the same scientists have replicated the genetics with more than 100 children. They confirmed that in 76 of these children, the cause is linked to a mutation in the PADI3 gene, as well as the involvement of two other genes, all three of which code for important proteins involved in hair-fiber formation.

Human variation in appearance, including hair, is the result of many small variations in our genes across global populations. When a mutation occurs in a gene, sometimes it leads to a change in the function of the protein. If that protein is in the hair follicles, there is a high chance that the hair will look different. So it can be brown, blonde, curly, plump, straight, red or even bald.

There are some well-known inherited variations in the shape and curl of the hair fiber, but they are rarely associated with any serious disease. Interestingly, most often the proteins that are affected are in the inner root sheath: the three layers of hair follicles that help to put shape in the hair fiber.

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recessive gene

We also know that unrelated hair is a “recessive” genetic trait. In other words, both parents must be carriers of the mutated gene, although they may not have it themselves. Then, if their child inherits one copy of the affected gene from each parent, they will have the syndrome.

So why study such genetic hair disorders? This type of genetic study generates enough information such that parents can now request a genetic test that can help address any concerns. other rare conditions which can affect the hair.

From a scientific point of view, it helps the hair biology research community to understand more about the importance of different proteins for normal hair growth and controlling the shape and appearance of hair. For example, we can now explain why changes in PADI3 can alter hair shape by learning more about how it works in the follicle.

Hair is one of the most culturally distinctive and individual characteristics. Its style, size, color and really the absence of it is something that everyone thinks about every day. A huge hair care industry has developed in the last century which helps all of us to manage our hair. So when a rare condition leads to such a fascinating but impossible to manage hair change, it’s easy to understand that scientists want to understand how it happens and help families with affected children get it better. To help in understanding.

Gil Westgate, Business Development Manager, Faculty of Life Sciences, Bradford University

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