UNSC resolution on Ukraine: ‘We expect India’s support’, says Russian diplomat

Amid Russia’s attack on Ukraine, its government has said that Russia expects India’s support in the UK Security Council whenever the matter of resolution on Russia is taken up by the council. Russia’s charge d’affaires Roman Babushkin in a statement to the news agency PTIHas said that Moscow feels that India will continue to support it as it has a deep understanding of why Russia had to invade Ukraine.

He termed India’s partnership with Russia as “special” and “privileged” and said India’s position on the issue has so far been “balanced” and “independent”. In particular, the UN Security Council will consider the important resolution on the Russian aggression against Ukraine this evening. “We expect India to support Russia in the UN Security Council,” Babushkin told PTI.

The draft resolution aims to condemn Russia for unprovoked aggression against Ukraine, which has imposed massive sanctions on the country by Western powers.

Read also: Russia Attacks Ukraine LIVE: Russian Army Coming From North-East And East To Kiev

Meanwhile, Babushkin hailed External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar’s remarks in Paris three days ago, when he said Ukraine’s current situation has its roots in post-Soviet politics and the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). “India’s position has been very balanced and independent. We appreciate this and we look forward to India’s support with the special and privileged strategic partnership between the two countries,” Babushkin said.

On the draft UN Security Council resolution on Ukraine crisis, Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla had said on Thursday that India’s final response to the resolution would depend on the final form of the resolution.

“I am told that there will be a lot of changes. We will wait to see ourselves and the size of the resolution before taking our stand on this issue,” the foreign secretary said. Babushkin has said that Russia is in constant touch with India regarding the developments in Ukraine. “We are maintaining all contact with India and it has a fair understanding of the overall situation,” he said.

Modi spoke to Putin:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the phone on Thursday.

Putin briefed PM Modi about the recent developments regarding Ukraine. The Prime Minister reiterated his longstanding conviction that differences between Russia and the NATO grouping can only be resolved through honest and sincere dialogue.

Prime Minister Modi called for an immediate end to the violence, and called on all sides to make concerted efforts to return to the path of diplomatic dialogue and dialogue.

He also apprised the Russian President of India’s concerns regarding the safety of Indian citizens, especially students, in Ukraine and conveyed that India attaches top priority to their safe exit and return to India.

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