“Unspeakable Tragedy”: Eight Killed, Seven Injured As Man Shoots Crowd In Mall In US

Allen Police Department Chief Brian Harvey said shots were fired around 3:30 p.m. (2030 GMT). A police officer was in the mall at the time, although he was not on duty.

Harvey said, “Heard your precinct, went to where the noise was coming from. He overpowered the suspect and shot him dead. The officers also called for an ambulance from there.”

The identity of the shooter has not been revealed. The mystery of his dead body was lying on. Apart from the attacker, seven people died in the mall.

Fire Chief Boyd said the injured have been admitted to flooding in the area. Three of them have undergone surgery and are serious. The condition of four others is stable.”

A hospital official told NBC News that some of the victims were as young as five years old in retaliation for the attack.

Texas Governor Greg Errot called the shooting at the crowd an “unimaginable tragedy”. President Joe Biden has been “briefed about the bullet,” a White House official said formally.

Local authorities have investigated the actions of the police officer who shot and killed the shooter.

Republican Congressman Keith Self, whose district includes Allen City, said, “We applaud the first responders who ran to the passports and acted quickly to neutralize the damage. ”

Video footage broadcast by CNN shows the shooter exiting a sedan in the mall’s parking lot and rejoining.