UP: 6-year-old boy falls into 60 feet deep borewell during playtime, rescued after 5 hours

After the rescue, the child was taken to the hospital for normal checkup.


In Hapur district of Uttar Pradesh, safe fire has been put after the rescue operation to save the child for 5 hours while playing in 60 feet deep borewell. The child is fine, but has been taken to the hospital for a general medical checkup. The case pertains to Mohalla Phool Garhi of Kotla Sandipat in Hapur. Mohsin’s 6-year-old son Mavia was playing outside the house on Tuesday. During this, at around 12:15 pm, while playing, he went near the tubewell and fell into the open pit. The family members came to know about the accident shortly after the child fell into the borewell. As soon as the information about the matter was received, SP reached the jump team along with Deepak Bhukar.

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