Up your brunch game with this easy South Indian appe recipe

Do you know anyone who doesn’t like South Indian food? Well we don’t. The unique taste and richness of this dish has made everyone crazy about it across the country. Apart from the common dishes of idli, dosa and upma, appe is one of our favorite dishes. Appe, also known as paddu or paniyaram, is a traditional South Indian dish usually served as a breakfast or snack. These small, round and fluffy dumplings are healthy, tasty and easy to make. This dish is perfect for a quick and tasty meal.

What are apps made of?

traditionally, appetite Made with a batter of fermented rice and urad dal and cooked in a special appe pan. Ideally, the rice and dal mixture should be soaked in water and left overnight to cook the next day. One of the best things about appe is that it is a healthy and nutritious dish. The fermented batter used to make appe is rich in probiotics, which help promote gut health. Also if you include some vegetables in it, you get more nutrition for good health. And don’t forget that the appas are steamed to cook in very less oil.

(Also Read: Are you a fan of Appe? Check Out These 5 Delicious Recipes You Must Try,

Another great feature of appe is that it is a versatile dish that can be enjoyed in many different ways. You can add a variety of ingredients to the batter, such as grated coconut, chopped green chilies, or crumbled paneer to create a unique and delicious dish. Appe can be served as a sweet dish with sweet chutney by dipping it in a solution of jaggery, cardamom and coconut.

But the traditional app prepared and served in South Indian homes still wins our hearts. We know it is not easy to plan ahead and go through the entire fermentation process to make appe, so you can always use store-bought dosa or idli batter. If you have never tried the classic appe recipe, now is your chance.

(Also Read: Give a healthy spin to traditional appe with Moong Dal Appe,

South Indian Appe Recipe I How To Make Classic Appe:

If you are making your own appe batter, grind the soaked rice and urad dal mixture to a paste and add a little water to make a thick batter. even better, you can use readymade dosa batter. Add vegetables like chopped onions and carrots and season with ginger, cumin and salt. You can also add fresh coriander. Then grease the appe pan molds with little oil and steam the appe for 10-15 minutes till they are well cooked.

For the step-by-step recipe of South Indian Appe, click here.

Whether for a healthy breakfast or a refreshing snack, Appa is one of the best options to fill your tummy and your heart with joy. With its soft and fluffy texture and delicious taste, it is sure to become a favorite in your family.

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