Uproar over stubble burning baseless: Supreme Court pulls up Centre, states over Delhi pollution

Aerial view of Delhi covered with a thick layer of haze on 5 November 2021. Photo: Suraj Singh Bisht | impression

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New Delhi: The Center on Monday claimed that stubble burning by farmers only contributes to 10 per cent of air pollution in Delhi, prompting the Supreme Court to remark that the “happening and weeping” over the seasonal farm fires is without any basis.

“So you agree in principle that stubble burning is not the main reason. There is no scientific basis for this uproar (over stubble burning due to air pollution in Delhi),” a three-judge bench headed by Chief Justice of India NV Ramana told Solicitor General Tushar Mehta.

“Actually, now the cat is out of the bag. Farmers’ stubble burning causes 4 percent of the pollution. That’s why we’re targeting something that’s insignificant.”

The bench also expressed displeasure over the failure of the Center and the states – Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan – to suggest immediate measures to control the rising air pollution in the national capital.

“It is unfortunate that we have to set an agenda for them (executive), what areas they have to focus on and what suggestions need attention,” the court said, adding that the executive had Didn’t work the way the court had expected. , to resolve the current state of emergency.

Mehta had submitted a consolidated affidavit on behalf of the central government on the measures taken to control the rising pollution levels in Delhi. The data on stubble burning was part of this affidavit. The document was in accordance with a court order issued after a detailed hearing on Saturday, when the court suggested lifting of lockdown in Delhi to tackle the deterioration in the national capital’s air quality.

On Saturday, the court had also rejected the Centre’s contention that stubble burning was one of the reasons for the sudden rise in air pollution. The court hearing was followed by a high-level meeting, following which the Delhi government announced closure of schools and a ban on construction in the city.

Even though the Centre’s affidavit supported the court’s view on stubble burning, Mehta clarified in his arguments that the fire during the two months in winter was a major contributor to pollution.

However, unwilling to accept this statement, the bench turned to the Delhi government to blame the farmers. Referring to his affidavit, the bench, which also included Justices DY Chandrachud and Surya Kant, remarked: “They have solely blamed the farmers.”

It noted that dust is the primary cause of high pollution levels, according to the central government’s affidavit, and questioned the Delhi government whether the 69 mechanized machines are enough to clean the city’s streets.

“Tell us how many machines you need to clean 8,500 km of Delhi roads and how soon you can increase the capacity,” the bench asked Delhi government’s counsel and senior counsel Rahul Mehra.

Unable to respond, Mehra requested the court to seek this information from the municipal corporations, as they were the implementing agencies. “If they can tell us, we will take necessary steps,” Mehra said.

To this the bench retorted and said, ‘So you are giving money to the municipal corporations. If you give us such lame excuses, we will be forced to order an audit of your revenue to find out how much you spent on popularity slogans instead of caring about people. ,

It further informed Mehra that in some other cases the corporations have claimed that they do not even have money to pay salaries to their employees. “And, you’re spending money on them.”

Read also: Why November has brought back Delhi’s pollution with a vengeance after a ‘cleaner’ October

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The court read out the Centre’s affidavit and observed that the major areas of concern were construction, industry and transport, as these three sectors were responsible for 75 per cent pollution.

The judges asked the Center and the states to convene an emergency meeting to work out modalities to reduce their impact on air quality.

“These are all city related issues. You need to work on them. Unless the situation improves, why can’t the Center even issue an advisory to make work from home mandatory for its employees? The court told Mehta.

On the court’s suggestion of lockdown, Mehra said that the Delhi government is ready for it, but if the lockdown is imposed in the NCR region also, then there will be a more effective mechanism.

Instead of providing details of steps already taken, the bench directed the Center to hold another review meeting and take concrete measures.

“We just want to control pollution. What steps need to be taken for that, that is your problem. We are not here to give advice,” the judges said.

The court also asked neighboring states to make a list of incentives to be given to farmers for not resorting to stubble burning.

(Edited by Neha Mahajan)

Read also: SC flags off ‘cocktail of pollution, Covid and dengue’, proposes 2-day lockdown to clean Delhi’s air

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