UPSC CDS Result 2022 Soon: Check Expected Cut-Off for Military, Navy, Air Force Training

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) The Combined Defense Services Examination (CDS) 1 2022 exam was conducted in three shifts on Sunday, 10 April. CDS 1 exam is conducted for admission to Indian Military Academy (IMA), Indian Naval Academy (INA) and Air Force Academy (AFA). ) Candidates who applied for Officers Training Academy (OTA) do not have to take Mathematics paper.

Candidates who appeared in UPSC CDS 1 said that the overall difficulty level of the exam was moderate, a leading news daily reported. The exam had 300 questions, 100 each in each section. While the sectional difficulty level of English and General Knowledge papers was moderate, candidates suggested that the preliminary Mathematics paper was tough.

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UPSC CDS 1 Expected Cut-Off

Depending on the difficulty, the UPSC CDS 1 Exam 2022 cutoff for admission to Air Force Academy is expected to be closer to 132-135 marks. For Indian Military Academy and Indian Naval Academy, the minimum required marks are likely to be between 118-221 and 109-112 respectively.

The qualifying marks for Officers Training Academy can range between 81 and 84 marks for both male and female candidates. If the predictions come true, then this year’s cut off will be less than last year’s.

The exam started with an English paper in the morning shift from 9 AM to 11 AM, UPSC CDS 1 Exam 2022 in the second shift with a general knowledge paper from 12 PM to 2 PM and an elementary maths paper in the evening slot. There was paper. From evening till 5 pm.

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UPSC CDS 1 exam consists of objective type questions only. For every correct answer, candidates are awarded one mark while wrong attempts invite negative marking of one-third marks.

Candidates who clear the written test will then be called for Service Selection Board (SSB) Interview which will be conducted in two phases. The final round of the selection process involves the medical examination of the candidates at a military hospital, after which the final merit list will be released.

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