UPSC Civil Services DAF 2021 likely today at

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is likely to release the Detailed Application Form (DAF) for Civil Services Main Examination today, November 16 on the official website The UPSC main exam is scheduled to be held from January 7 to 16 next year.

The commission conducts three stages to select the candidates – Preliminary Exam, Main Exam and Interview. Those who have qualified for Prelims will have to register themselves with DAF to appear in Mains. The results of the prelims exam were declared on October 29. Around 10 lakh candidates had registered for UPSC CSE Prelims 2021. This time a total of 712 vacancies have been notified in various departments of the Central Government.

Read also| 7 hours of sleep, small goals helped in qualifying UPSC CSE 2020: Jagriti Awasthi, second topper

UPSC CSE DAF 2021: How to Apply

Step 1. Visit the official website of UPSC

Step 2. Register using your name (as entered in Matriculation/)

Secondary Examination Certificate), Roll Number (in six digit format),

Date of Birth (Entered in Matriculation/Secondary Examination)

certificate) and e-mail address.

Step 3. After registration, a password will be sent to the candidate’s email

Step 4. Visit the official website again and log in using the password sent to the email

Step 5. Online DAF will open consisting of six modules – Individual,

Educational information, parental information, employment information,

Upload the documents, and final submission. Candidates need to fill all the information carefully as no change will be allowed later.

Step 6. Submit the form. Download and take a print out of the filled DAF for further use

“Candidates are required to upload the scanned copies of documents like

Proof of Age, Educational Qualification, Community Certificate, PH

Certificates etc as mentioned in the instructions for filling up the candidates

Detailed Application Form,” read the official notice by UPSC.

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The commission will release the final merit result on the basis of prelims, mains and interview rounds. In 2020, a total of 761 candidates including 545 males and 216 females cleared the exam. Shubham Kumar topped the UPSC CSE 2020, followed by Jagriti Awasthi and Ankita Jain who secured the second and third positions respectively.

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