UPSC Exam: Preparing for Civil Services Main Exam? here’s what you have to do

It is important to understand the UPSC exam syllabus.

Solve previous 10 year papers to understand the paper pattern. This will also help in time management.

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the Civil Services Exam and not much time is left for the January 2022 exam. And so, instead of studying new topics, one can focus on improving their strategy. Union Public Service Commission has released the notification of Mains exam.

UPSC Civil Services Main Exam is scheduled for January 2022. Needless to say that this is the toughest exam in the country, but with time management, a proper study plan and complete concentration, one can crack the IAS exam. Let’s have a look at the strategy to become an IAS officer.

It is important to understand the UPSC exam syllabus. You can download the syllabus from, After covering the topics mark in the sheet.

Every UPSC aspirant must study previous year papers. This helps you to understand the topics which you need to cover in depth. It will also help you find out the topics that you can skip.

Solve previous 10 year papers to understand the paper pattern. This will also help in time management.

One must have knowledge about all the areas for UPSC exam preparation. So, stay informed about current affairs. Every candidate should inculcate the habit of reading newspaper.

Keep an eye on the editorial section of the newspaper. You can also read some magazines.

Keep an eye on government information and schemes. For this you can subscribe to the feed of PIB. You will continue to receive news feeds. Also subscribe to the website but filtering is necessary. If an index appears, note that as well.

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