US claims they avoided ‘WW III’ by keeping a mission secret for over 50 years

In 1952, an American naval aviator shot down four Soviet fighter planes in a most heroic manner, but Washington kept it a secret for more than 50 years because they feared it might start ‘World War III’.

On November 18, 1952, Royce Williams, then 27, was flying the US Navy’s first jet fighter – the F9F Panther – on a mission during the Korean War. While taking off, their group leader’s jet encountered some mechanical problems, forcing Williams and his wingman to abort the mission.

Then, to their surprise, seven Soviet MiG-15 fighter jets were identified heading towards the American task force. Veterans Center, as reported by CNN.

Four Soviet MiGs turned toward Williams and opened fire, he recalled. Then, disobeying orders from American commanders, he engaged the Russians.

At the time the MiG-15 was the best fighter airplane in the world, able to climb and dive faster than American jets (which were not equipped for aerial dogfights).

During the battle, Williams fired all 760 rounds of 20 mm cannon shells carried by the F9F. Meanwhile, the Soviets also hit Williams, disabling her rudder and fin control surfaces.

Then, as he was moving in the direction of the US task force away from the coast, one of the jets continued to follow him. Williams’ wingman re-joined the fight and tried to scare off the Soviet flier.

CNN reports, “But Williams still had to do some difficult flying to get the damaged jet back on the carrier. First, with the task force potentially under attack from Soviet warplanes, its increased Air defenses initially thought Williams’ F9F was a MiG, and destroyers guarding the American carriers opened fire on it.

Williams said his commander immediately put a stop to him, eliminating a threat. Even so, Williams had to bring his jet up on deck on the carrier, something he usually does at 105 knots (120 mph). hour) but he already knew that if he went below 170 knots (195 mph), his plane would stall and crash into the icy sea.

“And he couldn’t turn to line up with the carrier. So the ship’s captain decided to take the extraordinary step of turning the carrier to line up with Williams. It worked. He slammed onto the deck and grabbed the third and final arresting wire,” it added

However, news of Williams’ heroism was kept secret as then-President Dwight Eisenhower and other high officials claimed it could trigger WWIII.

The Navy Memorial’s website stated, “After the battle, Williams was personally interviewed by several high-ranking Navy admirals, the Secretary of Defense, and the President, after which he was instructed to speak about his engagement.” Do not talk because officials feared the incident could cause a disastrous escalation of tensions between the US and the Soviet Union, and possibly ignite World War Three.”

So it wasn’t until 2002, when the records were declassified, that Williams could tell even those closest to her. Korea remained a mystery,” according to the US Department of Defense.

Later, when the information became public, William’s wife was the first to know about it.

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