US commerce chief to pitch for chips funding in Michigan

Raimondo is visiting a United Auto Workers local hall and meeting with Michigan politicians, executives from General Motors Co., Ford Motor and Chrysler-parent Stellantis over the chips push.

US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo will make a pitch to Congress in Michigan on Monday to approve $52 billion to expand US semiconductor manufacturing, even as she continues to review chips market data from companies around the world.

Raimondo is visiting a United Auto Workers local hall and meeting with Michigan politicians, executives from General Motors Co., Ford Motor and Chrysler-parent Stellantis over the chips push.

Detroit’s Big Three automakers and other global automakers have been forced to cut production due to semiconductor shortages and even build some vehicles without heated seats or features like digital speedometers.

In September, the Commerce Department issued a request for information on the chips market to automakers, chip companies and others, saying the information would promote supply-chain transparency, and had a November 8 deadline to respond. will set the limit.

Raimondo told reporters that more than 150 firms “including several companies in Asia” have voluntarily submitted data to the department. “We are very pleased with the amount of response,” Raimondo said. “These are extremely detailed and we are still evaluating the quality of the submissions.”


The Senate-approved legislation would award $52 billion to semiconductor manufacturing and authorize $190 billion to strengthen US technology and research.

Raimondo said it would take “several more weeks” for the department to present its assessment. She also hopes to share a high-level summary but pledges to protect confidential company data.

He said it was too early to say whether the department would need to implement mandatory measures to obtain additional data: “It is still an option.”

On November 17, House and Senate leaders said they would negotiate a demand for final agreement on a bill to boost US technology competitiveness with China and semiconductor manufacturing. The Senate-approved legislation would award $52 billion to semiconductor manufacturing and authorize $190 billion to strengthen US technology and research.

“We need the House to pass our version of the CHIPs Act,” Raimondo plans to say Monday in a separate Detroit Economic Club appearance, according to excerpts released by his office. “China, Taiwan, the European Union and many others are all moving forward, while the United States is catching up. We cannot lag behind.”

Raimondo will associate the United States with “our partners and allies to maintain a strong global supply chain and address this shortfall. This is why commerce is pursuing strategies such as ‘nearshoring’ and ‘friendshoring’, so similar Like-minded partners are integrated into our supply chain.”

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Last week, Samsung Electronics said it had selected Taylor, Texas as the location for a new $17 billion plant to make advanced chips.

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