US: Indian-Life Control Antidote to kill Pramila Jayapal, yol security on sashes

Indian-origin Pramila Jayapal in the US (file photo)


American (USA) in indian Pramila Jayapal (Pramila Jayapal) Letting kask to kair ne threatening let ranam 49 raburaun vraun prash you rasauk r to rayraup ray ray rabaurne tayrope vayrope vaurop kayrope kayrope kayrope kayrope kayrope kirt kirt kirt kirt kirta kirta tayras being suitable for the future like this The slogan “Will be fit for India’s future” and Jaipal would be apt to connect to it. The King County Prosecutor’s Office said defender Brett Forsell could commit a violent crime if he is released on bail.

this also further

For court work, seniors have been assigned for SAIL. After being released on re-release,

The information on the news website king5tcom has been made better for the court, as is better for you.

It has been said in the news that when someone shouts from Jaipal and outside South India. Hear the chilling sound of Jayapala’s demolition man, who was saying, “Go to India”.

The couple also heard the word “commune” for Jaspal from Status.

It would be dangerous to come in position to call after Mars to attack Mars. Why is it?